
Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy, OM (lahir 2 Juni 1840 – meninggal 11 Januari 1928 pada umur 87 tahun) adalah seorang novelis, cerpenis, dan penyair Inggris yang termasuk gerakan naturalisme. Sebagian besar karyanya, berlatar di daerah semi-imajiner bernama Wessex, diwarnai deskripsi puitis dan fatalisme.

Hardy membagi novel-novel dan kumpulan cerita pendeknya ke dalam tiga kelas:

Novels of Character and Environment
The Poor Man and the Lady (1867, tidak diterbitkan dan hilang)
Under the Greenwood Tree (1872)
Far from the Madding Crowd (1874)
The Return of the Native (1878)
The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886)
The Woodlanders (1887)
Wessex Tales (1888, kumpulan cerita pendek)
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1891)
Life's Little Ironies (1894, kumpulan cerita pendek)
Jude the Obscure (1895)

Romances and Fantasies
A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873)
The Trumpet-Major (1880)
Two on a Tower (1882)
A Group of Noble Dames (1891, kumpulan cerita pendek)
The Well-Beloved (1897) (pertama diterbitkan secara berseri sejak 1892).

Novels of Ingenuity
Desperate Remedies (1871)
The Hand of Ethelberta (1876)
A Laodicean (1881)

Puisi (tidak lengkap)
Wessex Poems and Other Verses (1898)
Poems of the Past and Present (1901)
The Dynasts, Part 1 (1904)
The Dynasts, Part 2 (1906)
The Dynasts, Part 3 (1908)
Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses (1909)
Satires of Circumstance (1914)
Collected Poems (1919, bagian dari Edisi Mellstock)
Late Lyrics and Earlier with Many Other Verses (1922)
Human Shows, Far Phantasies, Songs and Trifles (1925)
Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres (1928, diterbitkan setelah kematiannya)

The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall (1923)

Pranala luar
(Inggris) Karya-karya Thomas Hardy di Proyek Gutenberg
Asosiasi Thomas Hardy